Buying a home with a stucco exterior requires careful consideration.
You’ve probably seen or heard of house-hunting TV shows. The real estate agent and potential homebuyers evaluate the home’s location, bed and bath count and interior color choices. But the home’s siding rarely gets airtime. As a contractor, this concerns me, because siding is one of the key elements that determines curb appeal, not to mention its function of protecting the home from nature’s elements. Stucco siding requires careful consideration. Here’s what you need to know!
Stucco installation
As is the case with any home improvement material, stucco’s reliability depends heavily on how it was installed. Unfortunately, because stucco is comprised of several layers, there are several opportunities for an inexperienced contractor to incorrectly apply the material. One of the most common installation errors is incorrect flashing. Water intrusion, which can cause expensive damage, is a consequence of this.
If stucco sand becomes mixed with soil around the home, cracking can occur. While cracking can be repaired, the homeowner is most often the party responsible for bearing the burden of the cost. Even more troublesome is the fact that many installation issues don’t appear until several years down the road.
Water damage
To maintain its integrity, stucco must be kept moisture-free. Gutters and downspouts must be installed in a manner that directs water away from the home. Special care must be taken to ensure that doors and windows are tightly sealed so that water can’t permeate the stucco.
Paint color commitment
Opting for stucco on your home requires forward-thinking, as this siding material can last more than 50 years. To update the color, the stucco must first be sandblasted. Skipping this step can create future issues with moisture.
Stucco siding marketability
For many of the aforementioned reasons, buyers in humid or wet climates are often reluctant to commit to a home with stucco siding. The result is that homes with stucco siding often find themselves sitting on the market longer than if they had an alternative type of siding. This is why it’s essential to have a reliable stucco inspector working with your real estate agent to ensure you avoid hefty repair costs down the line.