Stucco is the most common form of exterior wall finish used in the United States. It is a plaster-like coating that is applied directly to the exterior of a home. Stucco is made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water. It is a great way to beautify your home, but the downside is that it can become dirty over time.
How to clean dirty stucco
Step 1: Remove any loose stucco
The easiest way to remove any loose stucco is by using a scraper. It is important to remove any loose stucco before cleaning the rest of the stucco. There are several ways to remove loose stucco in a home. One way is to use a scraper or wire brush. Use a scraper first to remove any loose pieces.
Step 2: Use cleaning solution
After removing any loose stucco, it is important to clean the stucco with a solution that is mixed with water. It is important to remove dirt that could potentially interfere with the new stucco.
Step 3: Clean stucco
After you have removed any loose stucco, it is important to clean the rest of the stucco. This will ensure that the new stucco goes on smoothly. It is important to make sure that you remove all the dirt and debris from the stucco. This will help make the new stucco stick to the home.
Step 4: Use a TSP or acid
Once you have applied the sealer, it is important to use a TSP or acid to clean the stucco. Use a TSP if your home is new or just had stucco applied to it. If you have had stucco in your home for a while, use an acid to clean the stucco.
Step 5: Clean the rest of the home
Once the stucco has been cleaned, it is important to clean the rest of the home. It is important to clean the rest of the home to ensure the home looks new again.